Individual Mindfulness Sessions

Individual, Couple and Group Mindfulness Sessions

Cultivate a mindfulness practice and explore the perceptions and habits that guide your behavior while accessing your natural capacity for well-being so you can fully experience the moments of life.

Through practice and inquiry, each session includes the guidance of a formal mindfulness practice such as sitting meditation, body scan, mindful movement or walking meditation, and an exploration of what is noticed during the practice. This gradually allows for the integration of the cognitive sense with the felt sense of experience and the strengthening of grounded presence.

The combination of these mindfulness practices and psychoeducation on the physiology of stress and neuroscience of meditation, helps to cultivate a skillful relationship with daily stressors and life challenges. These relational shifts and widening of the perceptual lens of experience can ease anxiety, depression and chronic pain and build emotional resilience.

Individual, couple and group sessions will be designed to address the specific intentions of participants. The sessions are based on MBSR and are educational – not psychotherapy, psychological treatment, or medical treatment.

For more information and to schedule a free consultation, contact Laura Liss at:

After contacting Laura, please submit the form below.

Mindfulness Sessions Form