Mindful Workshops

Working with Difficult Emotions
Half Day Workshop

Crows End – 6430 Squire Court

Date and time to be announced soon.

While the holidays can be sprinkled with times of loving celebration, they can also intensify challenges in relationships. This can be a stressful time of year – the pace speeds up and much effort is spent on acquiring, consuming and preparing to be with family and friends. This intensity can heighten our emotional reactivity.

Taking the time to prepare our hearts can help us to embrace our experience, no matter how it is, and to also make space for joy and connection.

The importance of an open-hearted and kind approach to acknowledging and accepting all emotions, especially those that are unpleasant and challenging, has been emphasized by many well-respected mindfulness teachers including Thich Nhat Hanh, Tara Brach, and John Makransky.

In this workshop we will begin with awareness practices to cultivate compassion and encourage our natural capacity to turn towards difficult emotions, which may not be our typical way of relating to them. With this foundation we will then engage in a gentle, curious inquiry of our somatic awareness rather than a journey into story. We will create space to nurture this embodied experience which is often a doorway to healing and liberation.

All are welcome – no previous meditation experience is necessary. Space is limited.

Please fill out the form below and then submit payment.

Workshop Registration

Fee: $40

If you would like to attend and the fee presents a burden, please contact me at lauraliss@verizon.net.

Venmo is the preferred method of payment.

If you use Venmo send payment to @Laura-Liss-1

Or you can click the button below to pay with a credit card through PayPal.

Mindful Movement

dates and times TBA

Mindfulness through movement is one of my life passions and when I began this practice many years ago, I was instantly drawn to the power of connection to the moment through the breath and body. This is still true today and is also what guides my meditation practice. What I’ve also learned over the years, as practice waxes and wanes, is that I can only sustain a true and deep relationship with the here and now through consistency and that my body needs to move in ways that release and manifest energy.

As we age and our bodies change, so do our limitations and abilities. I’ve had to adapt my practice over the years and as an instructor, do my best to offer gentle poses with options that are accessible to many. The power of checking in with how we’re feeling from the inside out is emphasized and I encourage participants to share what they want to work on for a personal and healing experience.

Each class offers breathwork and a series of gentle poses to alleviate tightness in the shoulders, neck and hips, and increase muscular strength and overall flexibility. Guided movement along with invitations to feel into the moment through the breath and body help cultivate one’s awareness and bring it into every day life.

All levels are welcome! No prior experience is required. Regular attendance is not required.